

Create Your Own CMS-Blog

Create your own blog! It is cool that creating a blog by yourself! Let's start to do it~

First, we need to create a Django CMS project. If you already have one, you can skip STEP1.

What is "CMS"? CMS is a system that you can edit the content by double-clicking content.

requirements: django > 1.11, Python == 3.7

Recommandation: Create a virtual environment and activate it.

 pip install djangocms-installer 

STEP1:Create a CMS project

 pip install django 

create a folder where you want your project to be and cd 'folder_name'

>> mkdir myProject
>> cd myProject

Create a new project

 >> djangocms mysite 

The following is a sample tutorial about editing 'base.html':

add below code at beginning:

{% load cms_tags sekizai_tags %}

{% load static from staticfiles %}

add below code ahead of </head>:

{% render_block "css" %}

add below code ahead of  <body>:

{% cms_toolbar %}

add below code ahead of </body>:

{% render_block "js" %}

Finally, replace text and images going to be edited with:

{% placeholder 'contentName' %}

Then, You can create your own Blog!


>> pip install aldryn-newsblog

Under settings.py, add the following code below 'cms' in INSTALLED_APPS

# you will probably find the following already listed: 
# 'djangocms_test_ckeditor' , 
# 'easy_thumbnails', 
# 'filer',
     # 'easy_thumbnails.processors.scale_and_crop',  # disable this one

add below code in settings.py:



# 'aldryn_boilerplates.staticfile_finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', // needs to add before 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder'
>> python maange.py migrate
STEP4:Create apphook 

First, create a page: Page/Create Page/New Page…

Then,click Advanced settings

It is going to be finished after you do the following settings.

Blog is "Blog.html" created in templates. You can name it or apply a template legally downloaded on the Internet.

Eventually, You finish your Blog on your own




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